COURSE PROVIDER: Illinois Public Health Association
- Review medical code sets used for coding and billing mental health services
- Understand format and conventions for ICD-10, CPT-4, and Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes
- Identify
and apply basic coding guidelines by correctly referencing official
coding guidelines to support accurate code assignment
- Identify and apply basic CPT coding steps by appropriately appending a CPT code with the correct modifier, as applicable
- Understand documentation needed in order to code and bill
Disclaimer: These courses were developed by the Illinois Public Health Association (IPHA) as part of the Immunization Billing Project and HIV Category B Third Party Billing Project. Both of these projects were funded by grants from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). For general information about the CDC’s Immunization Billables Project, please see: For information about Illinois’ Immunization Billing Project, please see: IPHA would like to acknowledge and thank the CDC and IDPH for funding these classes and for providing other valuable resources that help local public health departments build their capacity to bill third party payers.
The materials presented in these courses are for informational purposes only. Information on these topics do not constitute legal or business advice. The information in these courses is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warrantees of fitness for a particular purpose. Many policies, procedures, and codes may vary based on state and local jurisdiction, individual departments, services offered, and individual situations. It is the responsibility of every local health department to verify information as it pertains to their own individual department.